Atrium Window Wizard Help—System Administration


The following information applies to users with System Administration privileges. Although managers and buyers can perform some of the functions described below, they are documented separately in the Manager Administration and Buyer Administration sections.

Administrative privileges are determined by login status. System administrators can create, edit and delete:

  • Customers
  • Accounts
  • Buyers

For a description of the user types, click here.


Click on the Admnistration button from the Main menu to access administrative functions. When you login as an administrator, clicking the Adminstration button brings up the User Administration menu. In the upper right-hand corner is a Manage Accounts button. Clicking on the Manage Accounts button replaces the User Administration window with the Account Administration window and the upper right-hand button becomes a User Administration button, allowing you to toggle between the two functional areas.

If you find yourself at a screen you didn't intend to go to, click on the Administration button in the main menu to return directly to the main Administration screen, or use your browser's Back button to retrace your steps one screen at a time.


Managing Accounts

View an existing account

To review, edit, or delete an account you need to view it. Click on the Manage Accounts button from the main Admnistration menu to bring up the Account Administration window. Select the Account you want to view from the Customer pulldown menu. A table will appear with an entry line for each Account and 3 columns:

  1. Action: contains buttons to Edit or Delete the account.
  2. Customer: contains the customer name. Since only one account can be viewed at a time, all entries will be the same.
  3. Account Name: contains the name of the individual account, which is generally the city and state abbreviation of the account location.

Deleting an existing account

View the customer table using the directions for Viewing existing accounts and click on the Delete button in the Action column. A window will appear to verify that you really want to delete the account.

Editing an existing account

View the customer table using the directions above for Viewing existing accounts and click on the Edit button in the Action column. The Edit Account window will appear, which contains the following fields:

  • Customer ID
  • Account ID
  • Account name
  • Customer type

After you have edited the entry, click on Update to save your changes, or Cancel to revert to the original information.

Creating a new account

Click on the Create Account button from the Administration menu to bring up the Create Account window.

From the Customer ID dropdown menu, select the customer to which the new account will be associated. Supply an Account ID and Account Name and choose a Customer Type from the dropdown menu. Customer Types are established by Atrium internally.

Managing Customers

Creating a new customer

Click on the Create Customer button from the Administration menu to bring up the Create Customer window. Supply a Customer Name and Customer ID. Click on Update to save the new customer information, or Cancel.

Managing Buyers

View an existing buyer

To review, edit, or delete a buyer you need to view it. Click on the Manage Users button from the main Admnistration menu to bring up the User Administration window. Make a selection from the Customer pulldown menu. A table will appear with an entry line for each Account and 6 columns:

  1. Action: contains buttons to Edit or Delete the buyer.
  2. Customer: contains the customer name. Since only one account can be viewed at a time, all entries will be the same.
  3. Buyer ID: contains the 'handle' or 'alias' for the buyer.
  4. Name: contains the buyer's first and last name.
  5. Account Type: displays the administrative privilege level of the buyer, either Buyer or Manager.
  6. Account: contains the customer account, usually the physical location, of the buyer.

Deleting a buyer

View the buyer table using the directions above for Viewing existing buyers and click on the Delete button in the Action column. A window will appear to verify that you really want to delete the account.

Editing a buyer

View the customer table using the directions above for Viewing existing buyers and click on the Edit button in the Action column. The Edit Buyer window will appear, which contains the following fields:

  • Customer ID
  • Buyer ID
  • Name
  • Account type
  • Account

After you have edited the entry, click on Update to save your changes, or Cancel to revert to the original information.

Adding a new buyer

Click on the Add a New Buyer button from the Administration menu to bring up the Add Buyer window. Note: Buyers need to be associated with a customer account: you can select the customer from the dropdown on the main Administration page, but you have to wait while the system loads the table of accounts/buyers.It is usually quicker to wait until you're in the Add Buyer window to select a customer.

In the Add Buyer window, use the dropdown menu to 1) select the Customer and then 2) select the Account to which the buyer will belong. You must select the customer first in order to see the list of accounts associated with a particular customer. Provide a Buyer ID, which may be any kind of 'handle' or 'alias' you want to use as shorthand for the buyer. (You may want to use something a buyer can easily remember, such as a network login name, or email name).

By default, the Buyer's password is the same as their Buyer ID. If you want to force the buyer to change to a personal (and more secure) password, click the Select to Reset Password checkbox. The first time a Buyer logs in, they will be prompted to supply a new password.

Enter First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and Email address information, and finally, use the Account Type dropdown menu to specify if this user has Buyer or Manager privileges.